Leadership at the Intersection of Business and Politics: How to Navigate an Increasingly Politicized World
Written By Dick Massimilian
Published Summer 2020
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” – Lewis Carroll
Remember when you could remain neutral as controversy swirled around you? When you could be apolitical, knowing you lead people with widely divergent views on everything, and concentrate on the nuts and bolts of your business? Those days are gone. Carroll’s Alice nailed it; it’s no use going back to yesterday. Now the question is, how do you lead in a world in which everything has become political?
Owing to social and the mainstream media, one misspoken word can end a career that has been built over decades. Long-forgotten youthful antics can resurface minus context or corroboration. Not commenting on an issue can be construed as implicit approval or disapproval. It isn’t merely that your every move and utterance is scrutinized; now, every move or statement you don’t make may likewise be up for discussion. Covid-19 is simultaneously a public health, economic and, inevitably, political issue. For the leader today accustomed to doing the right thing, simply knowing what that is, is somehow more perilous and complicated than ever.
Today launches a series intended to help leaders navigate the highly charged political and social environment in which we find ourselves. It is inspired by candid discussions with leaders grappling with what to do in this unfamiliar and sometimes hostile world. Its purpose is to offer insight, tools and tips for leaders so that you can do what you do best: elicit the best from yourself and others and build a future characterized by success, happiness and gratitude.
Read my other articles in the series, “Leadership at the Intersection of Business and Politics”:
Everything Said is Said by Someone
Shift the Narrative