Running a Productive Physician Meeting | Dick Massimilian

The Story Behind the Doctor’s Edition Book

Today’s doctors spend an enormous amount of time on activities unrelated to patient care. Learning to run a productive physician meeting allows doctors to allocate more of their time to patient care. Which is why they chose to practice medicine in the first place.

Ron Blumoff, MD and Dick Massimilian wrote this updated version of How to Lead and Effective Meeting (and get the results you want) to address the specific set of challenges physicians face. Doctors hone their skills in medicine but are also asked to possess organizational skills normally developed by those who operate in a corporate setting. Ron and Dick want to make life easier for physicians, who have to do more and more. This book is a step-by-step guide on how to plan and execute meetings in a way that drives results.

Why Productive Physician Meetings Are Important

Meeting quality matters. It directly correlates to an organization’s level of effectiveness. This applies to any industry. Meetings that start late, have no agenda, or have people rephrasing and repeating what is already being said are red flags that signify a poorly-run meeting. This leaves people frustrated and irritated. This is completely avoidable. Once you have the blueprint, implementing effective meeting practices becomes second nature. Productive physician meetings will no longer be a goal, but the norm.

What You Will Gain

These best practices can be used in both formal and informal settings. Everyone can benefit from this book. The organizational tips enhance you and your team’s ability to move through information and make decisions.

Take your meeting and presentation skills to the next level. Buy the book:

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